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Corporate Governance

Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct


The Company means Krungdhep Sophon Public Company Limited; and
KWC Logistics Company Limited; and
Krungdhep Document Company Limited.

Supplier means the vendor of goods, contractor, and service provider of the Company, which are both juristic person and natural person.

Business Ethics Ideology of Krungdhep Sophon Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries.

The following is the Company’s ideology of business conduct.

1. Persisting in Fairness: The supplier shall conduct its business taking into account the sustainability and equitable fairness for the related parties and stakeholders of all parties.

2. Determination in Excellency and Confidence in People Value:  The supplier aims at execution with intention of effect in resource excellency for the continuous development and concurrent progress together with the Company.

3. Adherence to Social Responsibility: The supplier shall conduct its business taking into account the due duties and responsibilities toward the country, society, and environment.

4. Legal Compliance: The supplier shall conduct its business under compliance with laws and rules enforced in business conduct and licenses related to the said business conduct.

Business Operation Ethics. The Company is ethical to its business operation as follows.

1. Fair Treatment to the Business-Related Parties: The supplier shall give a fair treatment to the business-related parties whether being the buyer, vendor, joint venture party, competitor, etc.
2. Business Exploitation: The supplier shall not be involved in or related to the personnel that may bring about the conflict of business interest.
3. Non-Discrimination. The supplier shall treat the related parties without discrimination against anyone due to the differences in race, religion, nationality, sex, age, or education foundation.

Policy for Compliance with Laws and Relevant Rules

Conflict of Interests and Confidentiality

The supplier shall properly and completely disclose the information in accordance with the mutual agreement, and the requirement of law, and not disclose or publicize any information of the Company and all related parties without consent of the Company.

Anti-Corruption and Gift Giving Policy

The supplier shall not perform any acts within the scope of or exposing to risk of breach of anti-corruption law, and not offer and give any present, gift, and interest.

Supplier and/or Creditor Treatment Policy

The Company establishes a policy to give equitable and fair treatment to its suppliers and/or creditors under concern on the Company’s maximum benefit and on fair return gaining basis for both parties, avoid the situation which causes the conflict of interest, and observe the commitment, and provide fact information and proper report. The problem solving and solution shall be negotiated on business relationship basis as per the following practical guideline.

  1. Not demand or not receive or pay any interest which is a trade dishonesty against the supplier and/or the creditor.
  2. In case where there is an information of the occurred demand, or receipt or payment of any dishonest interest, the Company shall disclose the detail to its supplier and/or creditor, and mutually and rapidly solve the problem with fairness.
  3. Strictly comply with the agreed conditions and in case of the failure to comply with any clauses of condition, the Company shall hurriedly give an advance notice to its creditor to mutually consider finding a problem solving guideline.

Environmental Responsibility

  1. The supplier shall conduct its business with social responsibility, and comply with the relevant environmental laws, rules, regulations and standards.  
  2. The supplier shall friendly conduct its business and take into account the environmental impact, prevention of potential pollutions, and reduction of wasteful resource consumption.
  3. The supplier shall cooperate with Krungdhep Sophon Public Company Limited and the subsidiaries in environmental care with an efficient consumption of natural resources, promotion of environmental sustainability development, and reduction of greenhouse gas emission.

Occupational Health and Safety

  1. In respect to safety and working environment, the supplier shall accommodate the working environment for operation in accordance with the Occupational Health Act, and the relevant laws and regulations.
  2. The adequate and available personal protection equipment which is consistent with risks shall be supplied to the employees.

Labor and Principle of International Human Right

  1. The supplier shall not discriminate anyone due to the differences in race, religion, nationality, sex, age, or education foundation.
  2. The supplier shall not perform any act of or support a forced labor, harassment or labor intimidation and threat in all manners.
  3. The child labor employment, use of pregnant female labor, and employment of alien labor, shall be carried out properly and completely in accordance with the prescribed labor law.
  4. The employee shall not work for longer time than the requirement of law. In case of overtime, the employee shall be willing to do so. The holidays and leave days shall be provided for not less than the requirement of the labor law.
  5. Wage, overtime pay and holiday pay, and benefit which will be received by the employee shall be properly and fairly and duly paid not below the rate specified by law.

Complaint Channel for Code of Business Conduct

The Company determines that the Chairman of the Audit Committee who is an independent director and performs his/her duty to receive a complaint in code of business conduct, such as breach of rules and regulations, corruption, or malfeasance in office, can be directly send the complaint to the following address.

Contact Channel for Inquiry or Whistleblowing

Krungdhep Sophon Public Company Limited, 185 Ratburana Road, Bangpakok Sub-district, Ratburana District
Bangkok 10140