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Corporate Governance

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Safety Health and Environment Policy

Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Policy

             Krungdhep Sophon Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries aim for business operation on good occupational health and environmental safety basis under the following practical guideline.


  1. The Company shall strictly comply with the relevant laws and rules in term of safety, occupational health, and environment.
  2. The Company shall support, promote, oversee, and preserve the environment in term of safety, occupational health and working environment to be safe for life, properties and occupational health of the staffs.
  3. The Company shall promote and support the personnel to possess knowledge and understand, and culture safety, occupational health, and environment awareness to prevent and reduce the environmental impact, control and abate risks, and prevent the occurrence of accident and occupational illness, and reinforce the occupational health and environmental quality.
  4. The Company shall determine the operating objective and goal for safety, occupational health and environment to be consistent with the resource support in accordance with the goal of the safety, occupational health and environment standards, to seriously and sustainably prevent and reduce the environmental impact.
  5. The Company shall suitably and sustainably allocate the resource consumption for operation in consistency with the policy, objective and goal of the environment.
  6. The Company shall openly disclose the information relating to its operation in term of safety, occupational health, and environment.