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Company Profile

Company Structure

Krungdhep Sophon Public Company Limited.

Krungdhep Sophon Public Company Limited’s business activities has focused on developing existing land holdings which came equipped with warehousing facilities. (Subsidiary company, K.W.C.,  Warehouse Co., Ltd., leased these facilities to carry out subsequent business activities.) The Company is currently mulling development options for some land plots located in business districts along with acquisition of new land plots that will be leased out to subsidiary companies as in the case of land located in Chacheongsao Province.

The company invests by holding shares in subsidiary companies, earning returns in the form of dividend income as detailed below.. 

CompanyCountryBusiness categoryProportion of shareholding (percentage) As of December 31, 2016
KWC Logistics Co., Ltd.Thailandlogistics 99.9945 of Baht 5.5 MB registered capital
Krungdhep Document Co.,Ltd.ThailandDocument storage99.9987 of Baht 100 registered capital

KWC Logistics Company Limited.

The company operates warehouse business related with space renting and the port of loading/unloading goods for retail customers.  The company received an approval and certified by the Department of Inland Transportation and Marine Commerce, ISPS Code (International Ship & Port Facility Security Code).

Krungdhep Document Company Limited.

The company’s core business is to provide warehousing services, document management and Computer Back-up media based on a Barcode system that can ensure accuracy and speedy search while preventing errors within the management system, taking into account various factors including procedural details that may affect documents, electronic media, and the audit system. As a result of systematic planning, the company’s WMS, along with e-document scanning, indexing and data search systems, have been certified for compliance with ISO 9001:2015. As such, the company’s WMS can respond to every organization’s data requirement to support decision-making and optimize operational efficiency.