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Vision Mission Statement and Core Values

TOP of MIND is the Vision Statement to the Krungdhep Sophon PCL group of companies:

            1. For our Customers – Helping our customers to become effective in cost management and business processes through the design of our Solutions with the usage of best in class technology
               2. For our Employees – Accelerating individual capabilities using strength based development programs

The mission statements are written separately by group of companies as follow:

            1. Krungdhep Sophon PCL – “ Deliver VALUE to our customers by offering Sound Business and Technology Solutions in combination with IT provisions through our Group of Companies and ensuring Optimum Return on Stakeholders Capital” (Krungdhep Sophon PCL stakeholders are: Customers, Employees, Shareholders, Suppliers and Society/Environment)
               2. KWC Logistics – “ Specializing in Warehouse and Wharf business to manage our customers businesses with accuracy, efficiency and highest effectiveness”
               3. Krungdhep Document – “ As a Business Content Management Expert,KDC will provide Sound Customer Solutions by Delivering outstanding services through our professional employees with  customer satisfaction”

The Corporate Core Values:

The Company upholds 4 new core values that has been cascaded down to all its Employees.
            1. Service Excellence: Through the Innovative Use of Technology and Business Solutions Design
                        1.1 Utilize technology to support working within the organization to reduce cost and to increase the work with efficiency and effectiveness
                        1.2 Continuously look for ways to get better results
            2. Professional Teamwork: Collaboration through “Touch Points”
                        2.1 Collaborate among all functions to achieve business results.
                        2.2 Perform as a representative of the company by taking good care of the company visitors.
                        2.3 Share the work development guidelines and be able to show the improvement in the area of responsibility.
            3. Employee Development: Maximize Individual Potential
                        3.1 Continuously demonstrate self-development
                        3.2 Maximize the potential by taking different assignments within the work function.
                        3.3 Share the work development guidelines and be able to show the improvement in the area of responsibility
            4. Customer Orientation: Zero Disappointment
                        4.1 Provide the service to the customers based on what have been agreed upon.
                        4.2 Seek for customers’ needs and exceed their expectations.
                        4.3 Continuously develop and improve customer services to maintain the customer loyalty.