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Corporate Governance

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  7. Policy on directors’ remuneration

Policy on directors' remuneruration

In 2014, Teruels’d of Directors has appointed the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and determined the policy, rule and procedure for the nomination, remuneration and other benefits of the director, Managing Director, and the member of the sub-committee. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall assist in governing the remuneration to be transparent at the appropriate level, considering the scope of duties, roles, and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and each sub-committee, and time allocation to perform the duty with the Company. The said remuneration shall be adequate to motivate the nomination of director and the retention of good director to willfully perform his/her duties and dedicate himself/herself to creating usefulness for the Company. In addition, the payment of the director/committee member’s remuneration in the group and the size of the companies with similar business is considered in comparison in accordance with the regulations and policies related to the remuneration of the director/committee member and managing director.